清水善行 長石釉湯呑
a.口径 7cm 高さ 7.3cm
b.口径 7cm 高さ 7.5cm
c.口径 7cm 高さ 7.7cm
容量:100cc (八分目)
Yoshiyuki Shimizu creates powerful pottery in his newly built split bamboo climbing kiln in Dosenbo, Kyoto.
He digs in the earth and makes ashes to create vessels with a strong presence.
His white porcelain pieces have a comfortable weight, and his Nagaishi glaze and Sue pieces, which stand out for their simplicity and beauty of appearance, are full of charm that draws the user in.
Please enjoy Mr Shimizu's deeply flavored works that make use of the bounty of the land and confront the possibilities of the materials.
▪️清水 善行 (Yoshiyuki Shimizu) Profile
1966 熊本県生まれ
1990 大谷大学文学部哲学科卒業
1991 京都府立陶工高等技術専門学校卒業
1991 黒牟田焼丸田正美窯にて修行
1994 京都府南山城村童仙房に開窯独立 信楽、粉引きを焼き始める
1999 白磁を焼き始める
2001 須恵を焼き始める
2002 鉄釉を焼き始める
2003 呉須を使う
2004 土器を焼き始める
2008 地下式穴窯を築窯
2011 灰釉を焼き始める
2021 割竹式登り窯を築窯
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.