
gallery  一白

城﨑月甫 漆胴張椀


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径 12cm 高さ 7.3cm


Tsukiho Kizaki handles the entire process of selecting raw wood, grinding the wood, and lacquering all by himself.
Lacquerware made by the maki-ji technique has a hard, durable coating that is reliable enough for daily use.
The beauty of the colors is like a painting, created by mixing urushi lacquer and pigments and carefully applying layers upon layers of lacquer.
In addition to the clear and modern impression, the warm form of the bowl is comfortable for the user.

▪️城﨑月甫 (Kizaki Tsukiho) Profile


2005年ミャンマー連邦ヤンゴン外国語大学 ミャンマー語学科卒業。
帰国後、本格 的に漆器を学ぶため石川県挽物轆轤技術研修所に入所。

2010年同所 を卒業、金沢市郊外に工房を構える。


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  • Yu-Pack

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      Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita,
      Yamagata, Fukushima


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  • EMS

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*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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