
gallery  一白

Shimoo Design 浮様 SAKI 360*360 鼠


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横 36cm 縦 36cm 高さ 3cm


The word “Sachi” is written “Sachi” and “Oshiki” is read as “Saki.
It has the meaning of receiving the blessings of the season.
In addition to use as an oshiki, it can also be used as a vessel for directly serving food.

▪️Shimoo Design
「潔く合理的で美しい道具」をコンセプトに、 日本の文化や美意識を現代の生活に落とし込むことを目的としています。

▪️Shimoo Design
Shimoo Design is a unit of Kazuhiko and Saori Shimoo.
With the concept of “clean, rational, and beautiful tools,” Shimoo Design aims to incorporate Japanese culture and aesthetics into modern life.
Using mainly natural wood, they pursue “Japanese beauty” that is neither trendy nor timeless.

▪️Shimoo Design
「潔く合理的で美しい道具」をコンセプトに、 日本の文化や美意識を現代の生活に落とし込むことを目的としています。

▪️Shimoo Design
Shimoo Design is a unit of Kazuhiko and Saori Shimoo.
With the concept of “clean, rational, and beautiful tools,” Shimoo Design aims to incorporate Japanese culture and aesthetics into modern life.
Using mainly natural wood, they pursue “Japanese beauty” that is neither trendy nor timeless.



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Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • Yu-Pack

    Your delivery status can be checked online.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Hokkaido


    • Tohoku
      Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita,
      Yamagata, Fukushima


    • Kanto
      Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama,
      Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi


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      Niigata, Nagano


    • Hokuriku
      Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui


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      Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie


    • Kinki
      Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo,
      Nara, Wakayama


    • Chugoku
      Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi


    • Shikoku
      Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi


    • Kyushu
      Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto,
      Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima


    • Okinawa


The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Asia
      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


    • Other areas
      Uniform rate for area


*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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  • Shimoo Design 浮様 OVAL L 黒

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